Come one, come all! What a joyful thing it is to worship in the house of the Lord! We’d like to make it as easy as possible for you to join us. We are conveniently located in the heart of Oak Park
What to expect
Worship is our time to praise and grow closer to God. Worship each week includes music, congregational singing, prayer, learning, silence, and giving. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the building before and after worship. There’s no dress code — dress is diverse. Enter through the main Lake Street doors, the rear parking lot doors, or the wheelchair-accessible ramp from Kenilworth Avenue. If you have any questions about what we do, please ask a minister, greeter, or member.
At First United, all are welcome to partake of the joyful feast of the Lord’s Supper, regardless of faith background. Celebrate with us as we share the sacrament of bread and cup. Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of every month and on other special days in the liturgical year.
We welcome all children and include a “Time for Sharing” as part of each service especially for young ones. Age-appropriate worship activities and books are available as you enter the sanctuary. We also offer safe, quality childcare and quiet play for children 5 and under in our nursery. Read more here or visit our church school page.
Our choirs, ensembles, friends, guest musicians, and congregation continue a rich tradition of music as we worship and communicate the presence of God each Sunday. We are fortunate in having one of the area’s best performance spaces with clear acoustics, excellent sightlines, a magnificent 1983 Casavant pipe organ, and a nine-foot Steinway grand piano. Visit our Music Ministries page for more information.
Volunteer Liturgists
We invite congregation members and regular visitors to serve in worship as volunteer liturgists. These volunteers may read scripture, lead the call to worship, lead prayer, or assist the pastors in other ways during worship. Volunteer liturgists will be provided any materials that they will read or lead and are asked to arrive on their date of service by 10:30 a.m. If you would like to sign up to serve as a volunteer liturgist, please use the Signup Genius.
Special services
- Advent and two Christmas Eve services, including a traditional pageant
- Hanging of the Greens
- Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter
- All Saints Remembrance
- Blessing of the Animals
- Pentecost
- Youth Sunday
- Musical cantatas
- Baptisms (link to Baptismal Information Form)
- Weddings (link to Wedding Policies and Information Form)
- Memorials and funerals (link to End-of-Life and Memorial Service Pre-planning Form, which also includes information about the Memorial Garden)