Our Church School is for children of every age and ability, ages birth through 8th grade. We tell stories of the Bible using a lens of love and justice. We provide opportunities for students to feel a sense of belonging in their church community. We participate in the mission of the church in the wider world through service projects. We sing, we play, we create.
Church School September through May from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. To find out more, contact Lydia Mulkey, Associate Pastor of Education ([email protected]), 708-386-5215 (ext. 103). If you are ready to register for the 2024-25 Church School year, please click here.
God’s Children Sing
In this “baby and me” style program, children from birth to age 3 learn that God loves them through singing and dancing with a loving adult. You and your baby and welcome! The class meets in the Chapel. (Note: The start date for this class is delayed for the time being.)
Preschool and kindergarten
Our preschool students and kindergartners hear a story each week followed by a snack, activity, and music. They learn that God created them and loves them and that they can talk to God. At the end of the year, this class recites the Lord’s Prayer in worship. Each week’s offering benefits the First United Nursery School Scholarship Fund. They meet in Room 20.
First and second grade
Children in this class use stories, crafts, and music to explore how God cares for us. They learn the 23rd Psalm by heart and recite it in worship. They use a curriculum that follows the scriptures that will be explored in worship and helps children engage through art and activities. Each week’s offering benefits Beyond Hunger. They meet in Room 26.
Third and fourth grade
In this class, children experience Godly Play, an imaginative approach to exploring faith through story, wonder, and play. Children gain religious language and enhance their spiritual experience though wonder and play. The structure of this class is based on Montessori principles. Children receive a Bible, bake communion bread, and serve Communion to the congregation. Each week’s offering benefits the Kids’ Kloset. They meet in the Lower Narthex.
Fifth and sixth grade
This class uses a curriculum specifically designed for progressive Christian preteens called Connect. In this class, preteens share their hopes, dreams, and fears as they explore the important stories and themes of our faith and make connections between the stories of the Bible and their lives. Each week’s offering benefits Cluster Tutoring. They meet in the gym.
Seventh and eighth grade
Students in this class use an exciting teen curriculum called Re:Form. They grapple with the hard questions and explore the lives of our ancestors in the faith through video, discussion, and creative projects. These students present the sermon in dramatic form at our annual Hanging of the Greens worship in December, and they look forward every year to their day of pyromania, burning the palms for our Ash Wednesday worship. Each week’s offering benefits Housing Forward. They meet in the Youth Room.
To find out more, contact Lydia Mulkey, Associate Pastor of Education ([email protected]), 708-386-5215 (ext. 103).
Quest (confirmation)
There is Quest class for 9th and 10th graders. To find out more about the church’s confirmation process, see the Quest section on the Youth Ministry page.
First United Church Nursery School
Our literacy-rich, play-based curriculum supports children’s curiosity, creativity, initiative, and confidence. Topics studied, as well as classroom environment, are based on children’s interests. The nursery school holds both morning and afternoon classes from September through May and offers a themed summer camp. Some longer day programs also are available. The school has been accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children since 1987. Enrollment in nursery school for the coming year is held each January. Church members and siblings of previous students have enrollment priority. Find out more about the nursery school at its website or call Director Amy Cardin, 708-848-4910.