Worship at 11 a.m. Livestream is also available on our First United YouTube channel.
848 Lake Street
Oak Park, IL 60301
First United Seeks Candidate for Lead Pastor
As a church family, First United is in a season of prayerful discernment, seeking the leader God has chosen to shepherd us into the future. If you’re a pastor considering a call, we hope you will take some time to review our Pastor Search website which provides insight into our journey, our faith community, and the exciting opportunities ahead. We invite you to join us in this meaningful process and discover how God may be calling us to partner together in ministry.
If you are a First United member or friend who has relationships in the pastoral community or might know of an experienced minister who would be a good match for our congregation, please encourage them to visit our Pastor Search website or both denominations’ sites.
Imagine Together
On February 2, First United launches our season of stewardship. This year's theme is Imagine Together. The spiritual practice of generosity arises from imagining all that God calls us to do as a community. Our donations to First United make it possible to turn what we imagine into a reality. Through our annual commitments to First United, we imagine together all that we can do.
Our worship for the next several weeks will also dive deeper into all the things that we hope and dream for First United as we continue to grow as a family of faith.
Looking Forward to 2024-25
On July 21 at our Annual Meeting, the Congregation approved the FY 2024025 budget as well as the ministry outline that guides our priorities for the upcoming year. We also issued the 2024 annual report with a look back at all the work of First United's ministry teams. Click the link to learn more.
November 3 was All Saints Sunday. Pastor Phil shares a message on the Great Cloud of Witnesses.
What’s Going On?
Here's what a typical Sunday looks like during the program year (Sept.-May):
9:15 A.M. — Church School Check-in and the Nursery open
9:45 A.M. — Education Hour with Church School, Quest Confirmation, and Adult Education (select Sundays)
11 A.M. — Worship
12 P.M. — Coffee hour in the lounge
5 P.M. — FUSH (Sr. High) and FUJI (Jr. High) Youth Groups
For more information about a specific Sunday and weekday activities, please see the complete calendar.
An Ounce of Practice
By Lydia Mulkey