Worship at 11 a.m. Livestream is also available on our First United YouTube channel.
848 Lake Street
Oak Park, IL 60301
Christmas at First United
Words for the Beginning
Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. And so, we invite you to move from Advent to Christmas as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead. As you journey through this season, may you find words for belovedness and hope. May you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning. | @sanctifiedart
Christmas Eve Services: 5 and 8 p.m.
There will be two services on Christmas Eve. The 5 p.m. service is family-oriented and includes the annual Christmas pageant. The 8 p.m. service is a candlelight service of lessons and carols.
Sticky Church, December 29 at 11 a.m.
We move worship to Centennial Hall on December 29 where we worship around the breakfast table while enjoying French Toast Casserole and lots of syrup. Worship will be interactive, intergenerational, and lots of fun.
Epiphany, January 5
As we come to the end of our "Words for the Beginning" series, we turn to the Magi. As we listen to their story, consider who their journey resembles a core truth for us all: life unfolds with unexpected turns. Worship returns to the Sanctuary at 11 a.m.
Child and Youth Highlights
Hanging of the Greens, December 8
Church School kids lead our Sunday Worship Service on December 8 as we prepare the Sanctuary for Christmas.
FUSH and FUJI in December
First United Senior High (FUSH) holds its annual cookie sale culminating in a lock-in for cookie baking on December 7. First United Junior High (FUJI) and FUSH will celebrate Christmas on December 15. FUSH and FUJI will not meet on December 22.
Click here to register for FUJI and/or FUSH
Christmas Eve Pageant and Family Service
The annual Christmas Pageant will be part of 5 p.m. Christmas Eve service.
Church School Registration
Join a community of progressive families raising compassionate kids at First United Church School. Kids in preK through 8th grade will enjoy supportive community as they grow in faith. School meets most Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
Looking Forward to 2024-25
On July 21 at our Annual Meeting, the Congregation approved the FY 2024025 budget as well as the ministry outline that guides our priorities for the upcoming year. We also issued the 2024 annual report with a look back at all the work of First United's ministry teams. Click the link to learn more.
November 3 was All Saints Sunday. Pastor Phil shares a message on the Great Cloud of Witnesses.
What’s Going On?
Here's what a typical Sunday looks like during the program year (Sept.-May):
9:15 A.M. — Church School Check-in and the Nursery open
9:45 A.M. — Education Hour with Church School, Quest Confirmation, and Adult Education (select Sundays)
11 A.M. — Worship
12 P.M. — Coffee hour in the lounge
5 P.M. — FUSH (Sr. High) and FUJI (Jr. High) Youth Groups
For more information about a specific Sunday and weekday activities, please see the complete calendar.
An Ounce of Practice
By Lydia Mulkey