Plenty of churches have programs for children apart from the Sanctuary during their main service. Why doesn’t First United? We know that bringing your children to worship isn’t always be easy, but it is so important to their faith formation. Children who experience intergenerational worship are far more likely to seek out a nurturing church home as adults than those who to to children’s church.
In intergenerational worship, children learn that
They belong here.
They are an important member of God’s multigenerational family — a part of something bigger.
God speaks to and through us all, especially children.
They can witness the drama of baptism and share Communion as experiences of God’s covenant with us and our promises to God.
After Time for Sharing, children up to age 5 are welcome to stay in worship or to go to our nursery in room 15. Resources for young children in worship can be found at the back of the Sanctuary and near the entrance doors at the front left corner.
First United’s nursery provides quality childcare. Our nursery includes a cheerful play area stocked with age-appropriate toys and activities and a quiet area for sleeping, changing, and feeding. During worship, we provide a simple snack. Parents sign their children in and out. With the return to indoor worship, the nursery also is reopening.

Kindergarten and above
Those in kindergarten and above will find many ways to worship in our Sanctuary! Children’s bulletins, crayons, dolls, a children’s table, note supplies for teens, and more all are available near the entrance doors at the front of the Sanctuary.
Ideas for adults
Adults without children:
- Struggling with the part of the service designed for children? Remember that children struggle with the parts of the service designed for adults. We all make space for one another.
- Respect the various ways children worship, including play!
- Express your joy at having children in worship.
Adults with children:
- Sit where your child can see.
- Bring something from home that your child enjoys holding.
- Call a practice session at home! Use an old bulletin and your imagination.
- Use the worship resources for children in the Sanctuary and the Church Library.
- Track the words in the bulletin and hymnal with your finger for pre-readers and beginning readers.
Matthew 18: 2-6 (CEB)
Then he called a little child over to sit among the disciples, and said, “I assure you that if you don’t turn your lives around and become like this little child, you will definitely not enter the kin-dom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”